Introducing the DLX Series & RES Dryer Expansion
Dryers that combine the benefits of desiccant drying technology with an industry-leading design.
The DLX dryer delivers heatless, clean, and dry compressed air to your operation at significantly lower operating costs. The dryer design incorporates upward gas flow for maximum efficiency, desiccant bed protection and will continuously produce ISO 8573.1 quality air. DLX heatless desiccant dryers are also equipped with advanced controls to help with troubleshooting and maintenance ease, data logging, remote monitoring, and intuitive, user-friendly viewing.

Along with the launch of the DLX dryer line, they have expanded on the RES dryer to include a new water-cooler option with 800-2000 scfm. The RES series offers an innovative approach to efficiently removing liquid contamination from compressed air, making it an ideal solution to dry compressed air reliably and economically.